How I leverage my Enneagram type to be a more strategic business owner

December 6, 2018

I know that personality tests have never been more popular. Thanks to the Myers Briggs and now the Enneagram, we have never spent more time as business owners talking online about our personality types, strengths and weaknesses then we do now.

And honestly, I love it.

I think there is so much power in learning your personality type and figuring out the best ways to leverage those values, ideas and strengths within the way you do business. And most importantly, within the way you handle your day to day as an individual.

There is nothing I love more than seeing others take their personality type, own it proudly, and turn that into a secret super power. Into a way to help them navigate business and life with intention.

So today I want to share how my experience with the ever-popular Enneagram test has helped me become a more strategic business owner and how you can actually do the same.

How I leverage my Enneagram type to be a more strategic business owner | b is for bonnie design #branddesigner #brandstrategy


The thing I love most about the Enneagram is that honestly, it’s different from a lot of the other personality type tests I’ve taken in the past.

I remember taking the Strengths Finder test in college followed by the Myers Briggs a little while later. But what I find so interesting about the Enneagram, is that it so clearly illustrates your personality type in different seasons of strength and different seasons of weakness.

It does such a great job outlining what your personality type looks like at an optimal level of health—like emotional and mental health. And also, what your personality type looks like when you’re maybe not so healthy.

For me, that outline serves as a really great barometer I can use to challenge myself to become the “healthiest” version of me.

If you aren’t familiar with the Enneagram, you can hop over here to learn more about this test and even take it for yourself.

But if you are an Enneagram nerd like me, then it might not surprise you. Especially those who know me in person, to know that I am a type two.


The type two is nicknamed “the helper” and characterized as a caring, people-oriented person who really puts others before themselves.

And for as wonderful as that sounds, it can be a big stumbling point during seasons of struggle for type two’s to put others before themselves at such an extent where they can become resentful. Seasons where they stop caring for themselves because they don’t have the energy to give to others and to themselves. And that my friends, can turn into an awful, ugly mess.

Needless to say, that is not my idea of living my best life.

When I discovered my Enneagram type, I really challenged myself to find ways to use it to become a better version of myself and also a more strategic business owner.

As a type two, I found that my personality actually really helps me do business differently.

But before I dive into some of the different ways my personality type helps me do business differently, let’s first talk through a few of the ways that knowing your Enneagram type can help you become a more strategic business owner, too.


First and foremost, it can help you become more aware of your strengths, identify your differentiators where you excel, and find the things that come naturally to you.

On the flip side of that, the Enneagram also outlines your weaknesses. It can help you identify the things to stay away from, personality traits to be aware of and ways to challenge yourself to really become the best person you can be.

For me personally, that alone is a valuable amount of insight to have and it has helped me stay away from the negative traits, qualities, and not-so-ideal situations that an unhealthy type two can fall into.

And with that, here is how having a type two personality type on the Enneagram helps me do business more strategically.


Having a type two personality empowers me because helping others, serving them well, and putting clients at the forefront of everything I do comes very naturally to me. It comes from a very authentic and genuine place. And I’m able to approach the whole concept of selling differently.

What I mean by that is I’m honestly able to come to the client conversations about marketing and selling my services from a place of wanting to serve my clients, not sell to them.

Whenever I’m diving into a conversation or hopping on a sales call with a potential client, I honestly can sit there and ask my potential client how my work can truly help them. How can they working with me truly benefit them and get them to where they want to go?

Because I genuinely care about that person and I want to see them hit those goals, I can see if my work will help them get there. If it will, then 110% sign me up because I’m ready to do walk alongside them on their journey.

Coming from this place of serving and not selling helps make my potential and current clients feel seen, heard and cared for.

It also makes the idea of selling my services not feel so icky or unauthentic because I’m able to come to that conversation and say, I want to point you to this offering/service/product because I believe it will ultimately serve you best, help you reach your goals, and I would be honored to walk alongside you in that journey.

To my clients, especially my ideal clients, that feels so much different from, hey buy this branding package, okay?

Do you see how that can come across completely different? If we can come across from a place of serving and wanting the best for our clients and not selling, it can take a lot of the ick factor out of things.


Secondly, knowing my Enneagram helps me do business more strategically because I’m able to focus on serving my clients differently.

In action, that looks like pouring out from the overflow, not from an empty well.

This was an illustration I heard at the Imperfect Boss camp this past October where I was able to serve and mentor in the middle of the wilderness in Canada with a group of incredible entrepreneurs.

One of the speakers mentioned this idea of thinking of your energy and your talent and your gifts as a cup. Rather than taking a cup that is already halfway empty and tipping it over to pour into others from a cup that’s already running low, you need to focus on filling your cup fully so that it’s completely overflowing. And then from there, you can tip that cup over and give to others from the excess.

In my own life, I can resonate with this beautiful illustration so deeply because for so much of my life as a type two, I didn’t realize I was struggling with pouring out into others from an empty place. Because as a type two I struggle to put myself first and care for myself fully.

But now that I’m aware of that, I know that in order to really care for myself and my clients in the best way possible, it’s absolutely crucial that I pour fully into myself first so that I then can pour out into my clients, and into those in my life from the overflow

Trust me friend, that is a game changer.


The third thing I do as a type two that allows me to do business more strategically is I’m able to really put my clients first. This is truly ingrained into the very DNA of who I am as a type two and it’s been such a beautiful and positive thing.

At a type two’s most unhealthy level, we can actually grow to resent people and that’s definitely not how I want to feel about my clients or anyone in my life. So I put my clients first, but I do that within reason.

I know that in order to show up every single day and be the best, most helpful and attentive brand strategist, designer, mentor, or educator for all the amazing women I work with—I have to be taking care of myself in order to serve them well.

In order to do that, I set in place strong boundaries and intentional self care practices so I can realistically determine how I can serve my clients well without depleting myself.

Something to keep in mind if you are also a type two is that your superpower is that fact it’s easy for you to put your clients first. It can be such a positive and amazing way to go above and beyond, but that doesn’t have to come at the sacrifice of your sense of self care or your own boundaries.


So if you find yourself wanting to put your clients first with so much intention, but it crosses some boundaries you have in place—like going above and beyond the original project scope or working for free—then let’s pump the brakes and figure out a better way to put your clients first, while also putting yourself first.

If you can’t tell by now, I’m a huge fan of the Enneagram. It’s a tool that’s allowed me to become more in-tune with who I am and how I can become a better person. And on top of that, it’s taught me how I can become a more strategic and profitable business owner along the way.

So with that, if you’ve never taken the Enneagram before, I highly recommend it. You can head over here to take the test. And if you’ve already taken the Enneagram, feel free to pop into the comments and share what type you are because I’d love to nerd out with you on that there!


If you are ready to learn more ways you can leverage your differentiators, strengths and even your personality type into becoming the wholehearted and fulfilled business owner that you can be, then I’d love to invite you inside my signature six-month and group coaching program, the Heartfelt Brand Society.

With just 10 women inside this intimate coaching experience, we will spend six months together— starting in January—diving into the most intentional ways to elevate your brand strategy, woo your ideal clients and transform your bottom line.

But that first begins when we hone your most intentional goals and understand how you as a multifaceted individual work into the equation that is your business, your dreams and the steps to make it all happen.

So if you are interested in joining us inside this experience be sure to hop over here for all the juicy details and fill out an application.

How I leverage my Enneagram type to be a more strategic business owner | b is for bonnie design #branddesigner #brandstrategy

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My name is Bonnie – I’m a brand designer, strategist, and writer which all adds up to one eclectic conglomeration of qualities that enables me to serve you well! Past clients have dubbed me "the Joanna Gaines of brand design," and I've had more than a few call me a dream maker, a game changer, and a design wizard (my Harry Potter-loving heart didn't hate that one, let me tell you!). At the end of the day, I'm a big-hearted creative who will get teary-eyed as you share the heart behind your business; who will lose sleep over the perfect font pairings and color selections to bring your brand to life visually; and who will work tirelessly to empower, encourage, and equip you to share your work with the world intentionally. 

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