website design
Style guide
brand strategy, branding, website design
For this project, I was tasked with building a custom brand that reflects the heart of AEP, as well as designing a gorgeous Showit 5 website that will serve her—and her clients—well for years to come. Allison's old brand didn't reflect the intentional approach she takes to every client session, and it certainly didn't enable her to charge higher rates for her services. We needed to infuse more strategy and personality into her brand to reflect growth and preserve profitability.
strategy behind the design
Allison and Jason Ewing are incredibly talented, relationally-driven natural light photographers specializing in engagements, weddings, and portraits in the Akon, Ohio area. After years with a brand that didn’t serve her well, Allison reached out to me to create an elevated, modern brand and website to reflect her level of expertise and the unbeatable experience she provides to each of her clients. She also wanted to be able to invite her potential clients into a polished, warm online experience.
And that’s where I stepped in!
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"My only regret is that I didn't hire you sooner! To have confidence in your brand and to be proud of how you’re showing up to your potential clients is priceless."
client goals
Allison Ewing Photography
•Position the AEP brand as a go-to photographer for her ideal clients
•Increase the quality of inquiries through an intentional brand strategy
•Elevate the AEP brand so that Allison can charge more for her services, serve her clients at a higher level, and take on fewer weddings without compromising on profit
pattern design