Episode 190: How to Position Your Brand to Serve High-End Clients

August 25, 2021

The level of service you’re offering in your business will directly impact the types of clients you’re attracting. So if you’re tuning in today and you have big dreams about not only increasing the quality of service that you offer, but connecting with clients who value and appreciate that kind of service and are willing to invest accordingly, then this episode is for you.

Today, I’m sharing three ways to position your brand to serve and attract high-end clients! With high-end clients, you can earn more by elevating your services without adding more to your schedule

How to Position Your Brand to Serve High-End Clients

1. Understand your audience.

We first want to lay the foundations so that these updates to your services and this intentional pivot can be as successful as it can be. So to do that, we actually want to focus on who exactly this higher end audience is that we want to connect with.

This means you’ll need to understand the demographics of this potential audience, then dive into their psychographics. Start to look for their pain points, so you can build a luxury solution that solves their problems.

2. Price to reflect the quality.

When you are wanting to reach out and connect with higher end clients, price actually does matter. So having a foolproof luxury marketing strategy, paired with budget prices, you know, like if you’re still undercharging for your work, it simply doesn’t work because to the higher end buyer, it actually comes across as untrustworthy.

It makes them question what you’re doing wrong that would charge so little.

3. How to market the experience.

When you look at luxury brands, they’re not selling a product, they’re selling an experience. Look at what your experience will do for your clients and elevate their experience. This will make them excited to pay for this experience.

As you start to build out this desirable experience, that’s going to draw higher end clients in and delight them at every turn. Don’t be afraid to weave in your brand story. Don’t be afraid to integrate your brand values, the heart and the mission into every touch point so that you are connecting with your clients in an emotional and relational way that creates loyalty. And plus it gives your clients the opportunity to connect with your brand at its core.

If you’re ready to elevate your brand and work with high-end clients, come join me for my free masterclass that shows you how to earn more without doing more in your design business!




Brand Strategy Podcast



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Hi, friends and welcome to the brand strategy podcast. A show created to equip you with the inspiration, encouragement, and clarity. You need to build the brand of your dreams. I’m your host, Bonnie Bakhtiari brand designer, strategist, and founder of the Illume Retreat from sustainable strategy to part felt encouragement. Each episode is designed to equip you with the tools you need to chase after your dreams, because you deserve a brand that empowers you to do what you love, connects with your dream clients and offers a deep sense of fulfillment along the way. So grab a cup of coffee and join me on this journey.

Hey friends, welcome back to the brand strategy podcasts, where today we are talking about some practical ways to get your brand ready to serve higher end clients. So if you’re tuning in today and you have big dreams about not only increasing the quality of service that you offer, but connecting with clients who value and appreciate that kind of service and are willing to invest accordingly, then this episode is for you. I’m going to talk you through three quick things that you need to understand and simple steps you can take to prepare your brand, to serve higher end clients and connect with them consistently. So as we dive on in, I want you first and foremost to know that I see you. I see where you are. I know that you pour so much heart and energy into the work that you do, and you care so deeply about the client experience and the final end result that you deliver for your clients.

For you. It’s not about, you know, doing more or taking on more and more and more client projects until you run yourself into the ground. It’s about having a deeper impact in the industry. It’s, it’s about having a deeper impact in the lives of your clients. And so at the same time, you want to do that incredible impactful work, but you also, you want to be able to connect with higher end audiences and earn more at a higher level. And I get it. I mean, with years of experience that you have in your back pocket, you are ready to grow. So whether you are tuning in today and you work with couples in the wedding industry, or you work with fellow entrepreneurs, or you are creating an elevated experience for your coaching students, you are ready to take things to the next level. Now, when we talk about serving higher end clients, this means inviting your clients into a higher level of service and charging accordingly.

Now that might seem like a daunting leap to take, especially if you’re currently undercharging for your work, but never fear friend today, we’re going to be talking through with three simple ways that your brand strategy and overall positioning can help you easily transition from where you are to where you dream of going. So let’s get to it. Shall we, first and foremost, step number one that you want to take in order to get your brand ready to connect with these higher end clients is you want to understand your audience before you start raising your rates or diving into like luxury marketing strategies. We first want to lay the foundations so that these updates, this intentional pivot can be as successful as it can be. So to do that, we actually want to focus on who exactly this higher end audience is that we want to connect with.

So for most entrepreneurs, in my experience, I have seen that they want to reach a clientele that is pretty much the same in terms of psychographics or, uh, values goals, worldviews, sentiments, right? They want to connect with people who at their core are pretty much the same as the clients or couples that they’re currently serving. But what they do want to do is they want to change that clientele to value their experience, to trust their processes and be willing to invest accordingly. So what we want to do here create a profile for your ideal client. And we want to get super deep and really specific about who they are, their age, their lifestyle habits, their purchasing patterns. And then we also want to build on that by diving deeper into their psychographics. So their hopes, their dreams, their goals. We want to understand their pain points.

And we want to understand how your brand can alleviate those struggles and invite these clients into a transformation that resonates with them. So here’s the mini keep in mind as you’re going through this process, when it comes to high end marketing, we don’t want to offer simple solutions to their problems. And what I mean by that is we don’t just want to show them, Hey, this is your problem. This is my solution. Instead, we want to think about how we can delight and surprise them because high end marketing, especially when we start to really dive into like luxury marketing is all about a pleasurable response. We want the client or the customer to experience a sense of joy or fulfillment or pleasure. And we don’t want them to get stuck in a preventative response, which a preventative response is meeting a need, solving a problem, et cetera.

Now, when I say that we’re not ignoring their needs, we’re not ignoring their problems. We’re still providing a very clear solution to their problem, but we’re doing it in a way that feels ease. Ful. That feels fun. That feels like it is full of pleasure as well. So we want to make it a little bit sexier if that makes sense. So the second thing that we want to think about in this three-step process is we want for the price to reflect the quality when you are wanting to reach out and connect with higher end clients, price actually does matter. So having a foolproof luxury marketing strategy, paired with budget prices, you know, like if you’re still undercharging for your work, it simply doesn’t work because to the higher end buyer, it actually comes across as untrustworthy. They look at the way you’re positioning yourself. They look at your branding and they’re like, why is this only $500?

Like, what’s the catch here, right? Instead of seeing this as a steal of a deal, they’re kind of wondering, like, what’s wrong with your product or your service that you would charge. So little, do your research, price yourself within the high end market that is commiserate with what the industry will be willing to invest in your service. So based on the kind of business you have, this might be determined locally. Uh, if you are looking at a specific geographic area, this could be just an industry wide standards. We want to think about what the market is able to sustain in terms of your pricing. We do actually want to take into consideration what other people are doing. We do not want to be distracted by what your competitors are charging, and we don’t want to just copy their prices. We do want to take your experience, your overhead, your supplies, all of that into account so that you are creating prices that are on par with what the market can sustain, but they are unique for you.

They work for you and they impact your bank account and the way that they should. So, uh, another bonus tip here to think about when you are diving into the price and the quality of your elevated service, high end buyers are not looking for quick fixes or fast solutions to their problems. Remember, they’re not so interested in a preventative response. Instead, they’re looking for products and services that can offer them an experience. They want to walk through something that is experiential, that is different. That is memorable. So with that in mind, they would actually prefer to invest in a quality experience than pay for a cheap temporary solution. So think about how can my services be a quality experience that provides a clear transformation versus a cheap temporary quick fix the third and final thing that we want to think through today here, friends is how to market the experience, because like I just said, the experience matters.

The experience is what stands out to high end audiences. So if we take a look at luxury brands, we’re not really seeing that they’re selling clear solutions as they are selling a dream. Like for example, when we take a look at Tesla, we’re not seeing that they’re talking about like, Hey, buy a Tesla because our cars are built to last or you’re, you know, not going to have to pay for gas anymore. Or, you know, like they’re not focused on that. They’re not talking about how much cheaper it’s going to be for us to cart our kids from school to home every day. They’re not talking about how more fun road trips are going to be or how they’re like, you know, built for a very specific kind of driving experience there. They’re kind of actually selling you a lifestyle of like, this is how this is how amazing your life is going to be.

When you have a Tesla, this is going to be how amazing your life is when you just get to charge your car instead of having to stop for gas and the midst of your morning commute. This is they’re, they’re bright, they’re painting this beautiful picture that gets you excited about spending, honestly, a lot of money for a car. And that is different from other car dealerships. That’s different from other brands. And also if we take a look at brands outside of the automobile industry, they’re marketing a lot of different things, but what they are all doing, what they all have in common, they’re selling you a dream. So take a look at any of your favorite luxury brands. You’ll note that their marketing status, beauty and enjoyment, that product brings you that dream, that product makes you feel a certain way about yourself and people are willing to pay for that, right?

We want to feel a certain kind of way when we invest a lot of money in a product or a service. And if that can help us achieve a specific dream that that brand or that, that business is selling us. We excited about handing over our dollars in order to experience that. So I know for those who are tuning in today, I seriously doubt that you’re planning to sell a luxury electric car, but the same approach still applies. You want to paint a vivid picture for your audience of the experience that they are going to receive when they choose to work with you, because your audience isn’t so much buying your product or service as they are investing in the emotional, physical, and sensory experience that comes with it. So friend a bonus tip for you here with this one, as you start to build out this desirable experience, that’s going to draw higher end clients in and delight them at every turn.

Don’t be afraid to weave in your brand story. Don’t be afraid to integrate your brand values, the heart and the mission into every touch point so that you are connecting with your clients in an emotional and relational way that creates loyalty. And plus it gives your clients the opportunity to connect with your brand at its core. So we’re not just inviting them into a memorable experience, but we’re inviting them into an intentional experience. And this is actually one of my favorite things to do with my own custom brand and clients is to build these kinds of brands that are memorable, intentional, and profitable. So, friend, today, we’ve been talking through three simple ways that you can elevate your brand, prepare yourself to work with high end clients. And no matter what industry you’re in, I believe that there is an opportunity for you to connect with your ideal clients at higher and higher price points in a way that allows you to do the work that you love and have that impact and change their lives for the better along the way.

Now, if you are tuning in today and you’re a fellow designer, just like me, and you’re wondering, okay, Bonnie, this sounds well and good, but how do I actually implement this into my graphic brand or web design business? I will say this friend, we want to look not so much at the deliverables that you’re offering, but we want to look at the experience that you are guiding your clients into. And I actually have a free masterclass that talks you through how you can earn more in your design business without doing more, without adding more to your already overflowing plate. So if you like the idea of earning up to three times more, even more than that, and your design business without taking on more branding clients or adding crazy hours to your workload, then if you go to B as for Bonnie design.com/training, you can grab your seat to this Netflix style masterclass, and you can dive into the exact method that I used to transform everything for my design business.

This is going to make it so easy for you to learn how to consistently connect with your ideal design clients, elevate your process through brand strategy and have more fun along the way, because business should be fun. And who’s to say that building a business that resonates with high-end clients, can’t be fun, right? So head over to B as for Bonnie design.com/training to grab at your spot to this burglary trading for graphic brand and web designers. And I was always, if what we talked about today resonated with you, or you want someone in your circle to tune in, be sure to share this with them. And if you have any questions for me or want to connect more, I love getting to connect with you all. And I love getting to hear from you. So feel free to reach out to me on Instagram. You can find me at Bonnie Joy Marie, you can send me a DM and we can chat about today’s episode, but friends, no matter how you’re planning to prepare your brand to serve high-end clients. I hope you know that you are absolutely capable of working with high-end

Clients and inviting them into an elevator and relational experience as always I’m cheering you on from Waco. And I will hang out with you again so soon. Thank you so much for joining me today, friend, before you go, I would be so grateful to receive your feedback on the brand strategy podcast. If you enjoyed this episode or the podcast in general has helped you grow your brand and really appreciate it. If you left us a review in iTunes, your positive reviews enable the brand strategy finance to continue to grow and reach like-minded creatives. Just like you. Plus, I’ll be randomly a handful of lucky reviewers each month, Jersey a little, thank you. Surprise for me in the mail. Thank you for all your support and encouragement as together. We pursue building brands with purpose and intention, and until next time I’m cheering you on from Waco.

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My name is Bonnie – I’m a brand designer, strategist, and writer which all adds up to one eclectic conglomeration of qualities that enables me to serve you well! Past clients have dubbed me "the Joanna Gaines of brand design," and I've had more than a few call me a dream maker, a game changer, and a design wizard (my Harry Potter-loving heart didn't hate that one, let me tell you!). At the end of the day, I'm a big-hearted creative who will get teary-eyed as you share the heart behind your business; who will lose sleep over the perfect font pairings and color selections to bring your brand to life visually; and who will work tirelessly to empower, encourage, and equip you to share your work with the world intentionally. 

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