Episode 215: Using a Quiz Funnel to Generate Highly Qualified Leads with Jessmyn Solana

February 16, 2022

We’ve all seen the fun quizzes online that help define something about your personality or business, but have you considered creating one as a lead magnet in your business? In today’s episode, Jessmyn Solana from Interact joins us to share exactly how you can use a quiz to generate highly qualified leads into your business! Listen in as she shares what makes a quiz a unique lead magnet, how to get started in using quizzes as a marketing tool, and what you need to consider before you dive into creating a quiz!

Jessmyn Solana is the Digital Marketing Manager at Interact Quiz Builder and host of Interact’s Creator Stories Podcast. Jessmyn is the strategic mind behind Interact’s flyover content, which helps entrepreneurs build their quizzes and stay connected to the brand. She is dedicated to telling the entrepreneur journey through the Creator Stories Podcast in hopes to give others a sense of belonging and community.

Interact is the easiest way to convert curious people into loyal customers and happy clients by using a lead generating quiz.

If you’re ready to try out Interact and build a quiz that will generate real leads and inquiries in your business, head to the link below and use code BSP25 for 25% off any Interact plan!

Are Quizzes the Right Lead Magnet for You?

As a business owner, you’re likely familiar with using lead magnets to generate leads and potential inquiries in your business, but how do you know if a quiz is the right option for you.

When it comes to using quizzes as a lead magnet in your business, you’re immediately posing a question to your audience that prompts curiosity and intrigue. That guides them to following through with completing the quiz to get the answer. This curiosity is what sets quizzes apart from other lead magnets such as a free download.

With free downloads or opt-ins, you’re providing a free resource, but you may not be able to create the intrigue that converts like with a quiz.

Implementing Quizzes as a Marketing Tool

Before you decide to use a quiz as a marketing tool in your business, it’s important to know what your goals are and what you want to accomplish in your business with a quiz. Once you know what you want out of it, then another important question to ask yourself is why should someone take your quiz—this shows the value you can provide for them.

Creating the Right Quiz for Your Business

While creating a quiz within interact’s platform doesn’t take very long, the thing that holds people up in creating a quiz is the planning, strategy, and build out of the concept. You need to consider what your quiz will answer, the actual answers, the questions that will guide the user, and the actions you want your answers to promote.

While this may take a bit of planning, Interact does offer templates to help you get started in creating the right quiz buildout for your idea!

Interact is the easiest way to convert curious people into loyal customers and happy clients by using a lead generating quiz.

If you’re ready to try out Interact and build a quiz that will generate real leads and inquiries in your business, head to the link below and use code BSP25 for 25% off any Interact plan!

Catch the Show Notes

About Interact (1:45)

Get to Know Jessmyn (2:20)

When to Implement a Quiz into Your Marketing (5:16)

Choosing the Right Lead Magnet for You (7:49)

Rehumanizing Communication with Audiences through Quizzes (10:37)

Mindset to Get Into for Creating a Quiz (17:07)

Inspiration in Quizes (22:13)

Encouragement (23:51)

Connect with Jessmyn

Interact’s Website

Instagram: www.instagram.com/tryinteract

Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/interactquizcommunity

Creator Stories Podcast Link: www.tryinteract.com/podcast

Use code BSP25 for 25% off any Interact plan!


Check out this fun, free quiz Interact has created to show you exactly what kind of quiz you should create for your marketing efforts!


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Hi friend, and welcome to the brand strategy podcast. A show created to equip you with the inspiration, encouragement, and clarity. You need to build a brand of your dreams. I’m your host, Bonnie Bahktiari, brand designer, and founder of the retreat from sustainable strategy to heartfelt encouragement. Each episode is designed to equip you with the tools you need to chase after your dreams, because you deserve a brand that empowers you to do what you love, connects with your dream clients and offers a deep sense of fulfillment along the way. So grab a cup of coffee and join the on this journey. Won’t you


Friends. Welcome back to the brand strategy podcast for today. We have such a great topic lined up. We’re gonna be talking all about how to integrate a quiz funnel into your business, to grow your influence with an audience of highly qualified bleeds with the incredible Jessmyn Solana. If you haven’t connected with Jessmyn before you are in for such a treat friends, she is the digital marketing manager at interact quiz builder, and she’s actually the host of interacts creator stories podcast, which is such a fantastic podcast with some really great conversation with entrepreneurs and creatives about how they got started and so many other incredible pieces of their stories, um, and full disclosure, I’ve been honored to be on this podcast as well. So be sure to check out that episode if you haven’t yet. Um, and if you’re curious about what interact is exactly interact, is this really fantastic tool that allows you to easily convert, curious people into loyal customers and happy clients by using a lead generating quiz. Jessmyn thank you so much for being on the podcast today. I’m so excited to get to chat with you and talk all things quiz funnels,


Of course, and thank you for having me as well. I’m really excited to be here


Well for, um, people who are, you know, just getting to know you and just learning a little bit about interact. Uh, do you mind sharing a little bit about who you are and the incredible work that you do with interact?


Definitely. So, as Bonnie had mentioned, and I am the digital marketing manager at interact, um, how I got here is a kind of a fun story because I was actually in between jobs and interact, found me all the way back in 2017. So I’ve been here for four years now, I’m the longest standing employee and I just love what we do and what we’re about. So that’s kind of why I’m still sticking around <laugh>, but pretty much before I got here, I was in a sales development job. And so I really already understood the importance of generating leads, what that means for a business. I just hated sales with a passion and I wasn’t good at it, but having that knowledge and that kind of background was, was great for me and kind of understanding what interacted as a tool. And so when I got here, when I started looking into it, I was honestly just amazed by, you know, one, the fact that you’re taking something as fun as a personality quiz, to talk to people and get them to kind of get to know who you are, I guess, as a business, but also the data that you’re collecting and the amount of, you know, conversations that you’re having with these people.


You’re also able to kind of, of see everything that they answer with. That’s kind of how I found interact. Now, being here for four years, I started out kind of working with partnerships, which is how we met actually. And it’s been a while since I’ve been doing that, but now I work on all of our digital content. So the podcast, like you mentioned, I great stuff like this. I get to have amazing conversations with entrepreneurs about quizzes about themselves. And then I also touch on the blog. I touch on social media and I’m kind of all over the place.


That’s so fun. I, I feel like probably every day for you, there’s something different, right?


Yeah. Yeah. It kind of all coincides into the same. I, but it is super fun because I get to, even though it’s similar, I get to speak to a lot of different people and learn about a lot of different creators.


Hmm. That’s so awesome. I love hearing how you got into this and, um, just the incredible relationships that this position allows you to build, which is a lot of what we’re talking about today is, is this idea of how to use quizzes to, um, to rehumanize the connection and communication that we as entrepreneurs can have with our audiences. But I don’t wanna get like too far ahead of myself here, but when we kind of like go back to the basics, right? Like when we think about when an entrepreneur or should start implementing a quiz, or when does that make sense? I’d love to get your take on when you think the right time for an entrepreneur to actually start implementing a quiz into their business as part of their lead generation and their marketing.


Yeah, definitely. I think this is a great question because like all other mark strategies, you know, it, timing does matter in a sense. I’ve had a lot of people come in and they’re like, I’ve seen this quiz everywhere. I wanna use one for my business, but they don’t have some of the things in place that would help them actually create a quiz in order for it to be useful for them. So I like to always say a perfect time to kind of implement a quiz or even start building a quiz is to go back to the basics of, you know, know what your business goals are. What’s an outcome that you’re looking for. And what do you hope to accomplish with a quiz? And this is some stuff that you probably already think about when you’re implementing any type of strategy, right? It’s like, okay, well, what do I want out of this?


But it you’d be surprised how many people see a quiz they’re super excited and they’re ready to get into it, but they don’t have that in place. So I definitely always recommend figuring that out, answering that and also kind of thinking about, you know, why she should someone take your quiz. So if you have this great bus quiz idea and you are ready to put it out there, if you can answer why someone should take your quiz, I think it’s super useful because this, that kind of just shows the value that your quiz offers. And when you figure that out, you also know like, okay, this is, you know, what people are gonna get my quiz. This is what I’m going to provide for them when they take my quiz. And it’ll also give you an idea of who your target audience is. And another basic thing too, I think is if you’re, if you’ve been in business, you’ve been doing pretty well in what you’re already using and you’re ready to scale.


Yeah. Those are really, really fantastic points and, and ways to kind of like self identify, like, okay, I’ve, I’ve, you know, like passed to these points or I’ve, you know, kind of like checked off these boxes. Now I, as an entrepreneur, feel comfortable moving into this more creative way to generate leads for my business or to direct them towards my products. Um, and so I really appreciate you breaking it down in that way so that it’s easy to understand, like when the timing aligns, but out of curiosity, um, an entrepreneur who like finds themself in that season of a business where they are feeling like, okay, I, I have a good idea of my goals. I know how I wanna use this. How do you recommend I figure out if they should go for a quiz or maybe like another type of lead magnet, because right. There are so many options out there. So how do we choose? Which one is the best one for us?


Definitely. This is a great question. I think most of all, what you wanna figure out is, you know, how you are attracting people to, at that lead magnet. So with a quiz it’s kind of great because it enters with a question and it can be anything depending on, you know, what your business is, but, you know, for as an example, it could be something like, what’s your brand voice style and it kind of introduces this sort of, you know, curiosity in the audience of like, oh, that’s interesting. I, I do wanna know what that is with other lead magnets. If you were to do something like, you know, a, a downloaded freebie or an e-book or anything like that, you’re it doesn’t pose as a question. And so it’s kind of like, Hey, I have this, e-book download it here to kind of get more information, but there’s that choice of like, do I really need that? Or do I not need that? Whereas in a quiz you’re posing that question. You’re kind of inviting them to have a conversation with you and it’s, it’s pulls them in a little bit easier. I like to say,


Oh no, I totally agree with you. And I, I love that idea of, of creating something like a, a, a lead mag, a lead magnet. That’s so engaging that it like pulls in your audience and makes them think like, oh, well, I’ve never thought about that, or, oh yeah. I do wanna note that information. I wanna understand that. Whereas you’re so right with like an ebook or a checklist, or even like a webinar, if the person who comes across that isn’t, isn’t even aware of, you know, whether or not that’s the right information for them to be consuming, you might not be generating like the quality of leads that you think you are. Right.


Exactly. Exactly. And you never really know. I mean, and see probably stats of how many people have downloaded it, but there isn’t that engagement that you get with a quiz, you know, maybe they downloaded, downloaded it, but did they read it? You know, did they have any questions on it? What what’s next? Whereas with a quiz, you kind of go through this process of answering these questions and then there’s a call to action at the, and where it takes them to that next step.


Right. Right. So kind of thinking about that next step and how we can use quizzes to create that kind of connection with our audiences. Uh, you, you like to think of using quizzes as a way to rehumanize communication with people. And I love this idea and I wanna hear your take on this a little bit. So what is your concept of rehumanizing communication with audiences and why do you think that’s different from the other ways that we communicate with our audiences or the other ways we might market our services?


Yeah, definitely. So with, I mean, my whole thing is, you know, we grew up in a world where technology was bright and shiny. It progressed rapidly mm-hmm <affirmative>. And with the rise of that technology, I feel like everything started to become really impersonal. So, you know, it started out with commercials on TV. You were kind of forced to watch it, but you could get up out of the couch, walk around, go get a snack and come back. Whereas now with the internet, you’re kind of, you know, bombarded with ads everywhere. And also with all this privacy kind of controversial issues of like, oh, they can see what I searched in Google. The, I can see what shoes I looked at, and now I’m on Facebook and it’s showing up on the sidebar. And the idea of rehumanizing kind of stems from this idea of, of kind of having a, a regular conversation with people online without having to be pushy, without having to be too salesy. And it’s just inviting them to, you know, have a conversation, let me get to know you and you can get to know me at the same time and let’s bring back that human connection and that intimacy. So you don’t feel like it’s being pushed on you, you don’t feel like it’s being bombarded on you. You just kind of feel like, Hey, this is something that I’m curious about, or this is a problem that I have, and I want to learn more.


That makes so much sense. And as I was listening to you share that my, my kind of thought was a quiz in comparison to another way to connect with, uh, lead or a potential client. It feels like so much less assuming it feels so friendly, it feels so, you know, like fun and kind of laid back. And like you said, there’s that level of engagement where someone’s clicking through and answering all these really great questions you’ve put together for them. And they are light and they’re really feeling seen or heard, or, you know, feeling like, oh yeah, my personality is reflected here, or my goals are, are reflected in these answers. And so I can totally see how that’s such a really fantastic way to invite a lead into an experience where they feel like a person, not just like another number or, you know, another potential like person or user for a company to target. If that makes sense. Yeah, definitely.


And I like to kinda relate it back to, you know, when you walk into a store and there’s always somebody waiting right at the door, right. And the first thing they say is like, hi, how can I help you? Like, what are you looking for today? And, you know, say you’re going to a wedding or you have a specific event, you go up to them and you’re like, yeah, I need a dress. And it needs to look like this. And they start asking you questions. Like, is it a formal event? Is it casual? Do you want something flowy? Do you want something a little more tight? Do you want it long? Do you want it short? And by the end of that experience, you’re more than likely to find a dress and walk out with one. And a quiz is kind of the same idea. You know, they’re walking into your door, you’re asking them, Hey, can I get to know a little bit more about what you need so that I can provide the right type of service or the right type of product and you in the correct way. And they’re more likely to walk out with, in this analogy address, I guess you could say, rather than if they were to see an ad, maybe look at it for a few, you know, minutes and then decide like, Hmm, maybe I’ll look back at it later.


Right. And what I love about that example is that a quiz can be scalable in the sense that you’re, you’re in a, in a relational and in a, you know, like very human way. You’re pointing someone towards the solution or the product that would serve them best, but it’s not requiring you to like hop on a sales call. Like they don’t have to invest their time or energy and like shooting you an email or hopping into like your live chat feature on your website or booking like any kind of, you know, sales call with you. Like they’re getting that guidance and they’re getting that personalized recommendation, but in a way that respects their time and it respects your time as the entrepreneur. And so I love that that can be something that’s working for you and that serving your audience, even when you are, um, you know, sleeping or when you’re on vacation or, um, when you’re unavailable. And so I, I just love that idea that interact has kind of created this way to, to humanize that part of it and to make building your list or gen those leads for your business. Uh, really fun.


Yeah. And also too, it’s like you said, like you don’t have to really think about it. It’s automated and you’re able to talk to whoever comes across your quiz. So you never know who you could hit, and it’s a great way to also kind of filter out. Are they a per that, that you do wanna target? Like, is this a person that I do wanna have a one on one business or strategy call with, or do I need to just kind of direct them to some resources that I have on my website? Which, which part of my services do I need to invest more time and energy in based on who answers my is and what people from my audience are being, you know, kind of, they’re being curious and they’re being excited about this,


Right? And I love that because it gives you such incredible data, but you’re collecting that data in a way that is fun and enjoyable and interesting for the, for the lead and on your end. Like it’s, it’s something that is giving you such quality insight into who these people are, how you can serve them better. Um, what kind of resources you can point them to just like you were saying. So I love, I love that, but we’re talking a lot about like how great quizzes are. We’re talking a lot about how, like amazing it is to build those human connections and to use them as a tool, to really rehumanize our marketing and our communication, but what kind of mindset do we need to be in, in order to like, go into building a quiz? Like let’s say, all right, people are tuning into this. They’re getting super excited about the idea of taking action and creating a quiz that can help them connect with their audience in this way. But is there like a, a certain mindset they should be in, or a certain, you know, number of, of thoughts they should be aware of while they dive into that process?


Yeah, for sure. I’ve seen this so many times where people do get super excited, they jump in and they get into the product and they’re like, well, what do I do? Where do I start? And I always like to say the mindset that you wanna have going into creating your quiz is just be ready to put in the work. It’s the, still the same as any other strategy that you use in your business, whether it’s marketing, whether it’s, you know, pricing strategy, whether it’s figuring out your services, you still have to sit down and, and plan it out. So just be ready to kind of put in some of that work. It’s not hard work, but it takes a little bit more thought than it sounds. I feel like when people see a quiz, because it’s so short, it’s so sweet and concise. It’s like, wow, this, this probably takes like, you know, a couple hours or 10 minutes and actually building the quiz itself.


And the platform does take a short amount of time. But what does take a little bit of time is formulating, you know, what, what are the personas or personalities that you want to categorize your audience as? And what does that mean for your business? What types of off first do you want to include in each of those personas? What’s, you know, what next steps is right for that person. And then from there, what are the questions that lead these people into each category? What does that look like? And, you know, does it make sense for my business? Am I asking questions that I really would like the answer to, which will help me later down in the line when I’m talking to these people, and then from there also figuring out like, okay, then where do I wanna take them next? You know, what, what next steps do I want for each person?


Do I want them all to go to the same one? Do I want it to be something else? And then even something as nitty gritty, like, do I want this to be a mean lead magnet for, you know, my, or do I want it to be a lead magnet for a specific launch that I’m doing? Do I want to use two quizzes? Those are some of the questions that you’ll have to answer when you do jump in. And so I always tell people, like, when you’re in the mindset of like, okay, I’m ready to plan this out. That’s a great time.


That is such fantastic practical advice. And I love that you, you kind of cautioned people and like reminded them of, of how much prep goes into actually creating a quiz because you’re so, you’re so right. And I’ve actually created several quizzes over the years. And this summer kind of got the idea for a new one. And for me, because I love strategy it’s, for me, it’s fun to sit down and to picture like, okay, these are like the personas of people that I wanna be reaching. And these are the kinds of questions that I wanna ask them. And this is kind of the journey that I wanna take them through. And then, you know, here’s how I wanna deliver the results. And like, I, you know, I’m, I’m that kind of person, like, I have fun with that, but I think that it’s, it’s so fantastic to be aware that you have this beautiful opportunity to orchestrate this journey through a quiz, like, which is so creative and is like, there’s just so much possibility packed into that, that you, as an entrepreneur get to yes, like put in that work and, and, you know, hash that out from, from, you know, day one.


But the opportunity there that you have to really gather incredible data from the people who go through that quiz and the incredible opportunity you have to connect with them and to really share with them results or solutions or point them to a service or an offer that meets them right. Where they are, because, you know, where are based on the results that they shared with you. I just get, I obviously, I sound like a massive nerd right now because I just get really excited thinking about like the potential that, that has to drive such quality connection with, with your audience.


Yeah, definitely. And also too, once you have a quiz and you first start out, even if it does seem like a lot of work, once you get the hang of it, and I’m sure Bonnie, you feel this now too, after making so many quizzes, but once you get the hang of it, you start to realize all the other things that you can do with the quiz. And the kind of, I like to call them a little bit more of like extracurricular activities, but you can then do more tagging. You can, you know, tag people based off of answers that they choose throughout the quiz, which you can use later down the line for different types of messaging. You can, you know, use the call to action, to lead people down, you know, further down separate funnels. There’s just so many things that you can and do with it. Once you get the hang of it. And it’s so powerful, but you just have to get through that initial hump of like, okay, what am I doing? And what am I trying to do here?


Mm-hmm, <affirmative>, mm-hmm, <affirmative>, that’s a really, really good point. And I think that’s like with any new thing you do for your business, there’s, there’s a bit of a learning curve. And so, you know, it might take a little, a little practice to get the hang of it, but you’re so right. The like once you’ve gone through it and you know what it’s like to actually walk through those steps and set it up, it becomes so much easier. And one of the things that I really like about the interact builder itself is you can actually, like, if you have a quiz set up that you just wanna tweak, it’s so easy to duplicate a quiz and then tweak it. So you don’t necess necessarily have to like start from scratch every single time, which is great.


Exactly. And we also have, for those who are just starting out, if they, you know, need a little bit of inspiration, of course, I always say like, look at other quizzes, similar to your industry or what you’re looking at trying to do, but we have great templates for people to check out and get started with all of our templates are easily customizable, and I’ve seen people take our like pet parent quiz and turn it into, you know, something like a brand strategy quiz. It’s insane. So it’s really crazy, but it’s very awesome to see what people can do with it. And it might not seem like it on the surface, but it totally doable.


I love that. Like, that’s the great thing with a quiz. Like if you can dream it up, you can create it like such a, there’s so many different ways you can use a tool like that to, um, to ask people questions and help them, like, you know, kind of go through self-assessments or figure out, you know, their personality or their vibe or their like, just so many, so many fun options. But one question that I love asking towards the end of every conversation here on the podcast, all comes back to encouragement. Uh, I like to make sure that we’re talking through a lot of actionable how to, you know, strategic pieces, but also wanna make sure that we’ve got a little dose of encouragement so that folks walking away feel excited and capable and, uh, empowered to move forward. So what kind of encouragement or advice would you wanna share to those who are tuning in today who are excited about using quizzes to create that connection with our audience and are ready to take that first step?


Yes, definitely. So my favorite type of encouragement when people are going into quizzes is really just don’t, don’t think too hard about it. Create something that you love, that you have fun, and that does serve a purpose for your business. And just put it out there, let it run for a little bit, see what you need to tweak after a few months, but don’t try to be too perfect with it because it definitely does not need to be.


Hmm, great advice and such fantastic encouragement. Now, where can people find you online? I know that those who are tuning in today will, you know, wanna get to follow along with the incredible stuff that you’re doing with the creator stories podcast, or maybe they wanna check out interact. So where are some places that people can go to learn more?


Yeah. If you wanna hear more from me specifically, I am, um, in our podcast, like Bonnie said, so you could find it on our website, try interact.com/podcast or any of the major social streaming platforms. Um, you can also find me in our interact quiz community Facebook group, which is just facebook.com/group/interact quiz, community straightforward. If you wanna learn more about interact, www dot, try, interact.com and you can check out our Instagram and the handle is at try interact,


Amazing and friends for those who are tuning in today, as always, all of those links I’m gonna have in today’s episode show notes. And we’re also gonna have a special link that takes you to this really fun landing page that we’ve built out that, um, you know, really talks through the benefits of interact, why I love using it and why I recommend it to my friends and industry acquaintances who want to dive into quiz building as a way to grow, uh, their community as well. So that link is gonna be in the show notes as well. So just go to brand strategy, podcast.com and click on the latest episode link. And in the show notes for today’s episode, you will find all of these resources plus a full transcript of our conversation today. Jessmyn, thank you so much for coming on the show for hanging out with me in this way today. I, I loved having this conversation with you, and I really appreciate you breaking down this idea of quiz funnels in a way that helps us see how we can use it to inspire connection and really rehumanize that communication with our audiences.


Of course, Bonnie, thank you so much for having me. I had so much fun.


Thank you so much for joining me today, friend, before you go, I would be so grateful to receive your feedback on the brand strategy podcast. If you enjoyed this episode or the podcast in general has helped you grow your brand.


I’d really appreciate it. If you left us a review in iTunes, your positive reviews enable the brand strategy podcast to continue to grow and reach like-minded creatives. Just like you. Thank you for all your support and encouragement as together. We pursue building brands with purpose and intention until next time cheering you on from Waco.

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My name is Bonnie – I’m a brand designer, strategist, and writer which all adds up to one eclectic conglomeration of qualities that enables me to serve you well! Past clients have dubbed me "the Joanna Gaines of brand design," and I've had more than a few call me a dream maker, a game changer, and a design wizard (my Harry Potter-loving heart didn't hate that one, let me tell you!). At the end of the day, I'm a big-hearted creative who will get teary-eyed as you share the heart behind your business; who will lose sleep over the perfect font pairings and color selections to bring your brand to life visually; and who will work tirelessly to empower, encourage, and equip you to share your work with the world intentionally. 

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