If you’ve been along for Day One and Day Two of the 2018 Illume Retreat recaps, then I hope you’ve enjoyed walking through this experience with me. I’m so grateful to be able to relive this incredible time through retreat photos (thanks to our official photographer, Shalyn Nelson of Love, the Nelsons Photography) and think back to each breakthrough […]
Sweet friends, it truly is such a joy for me to go through all of the beautiful Illume Retreat photos thanks to my girl, Shalyn Nelson of Love, the Nelsons Photography, and recap with you the incredible memories we made, breakthroughs we witnessed and the true community we built over the three days here in my […]
I am still in awe that only a few short months ago, 15 incredible women from all over the world joined me in my home studio here in Waco, TX for the 2018 Illume Retreat. It fills my heart with so much joy just thinking back on all we walked through during such a short time […]