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Actionable strategy and encouragement for creative entrepreneurs

to build a brand that's as purposeful as it is profitable

Sweet friends, it truly is such a joy for me to go through all of the beautiful Illume Retreat photos thanks to my girl, Shalyn Nelson of Love, the Nelsons Photography, and recap with you the incredible memories we made, breakthroughs we witnessed and the true community we built over the three days here in my […]

The Illume Retreat is about creating from a place of truth and building a business that allows you to do the work you love all while making a living. On Day Two at Illume we create actionable steps of what that place of truth could look like through strong copywriting and branding. And we find the true meaning of community as we gather around the table. Join me as I share the full details of the 2018 Illume Retreat Day 2 experience! #copywriting #branding #illumeretreat #wacotx

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I am still in awe that only a few short months ago, 15 incredible women from all over the world joined me in my home studio here in Waco, TX for the 2018 Illume Retreat. It fills my heart with so much joy just thinking back on all we walked through during such a short time […]

The Illume Retreat is about creating from a place of truth. It’s a way of wholehearted living. It’s about embarking on a transformative journey and building a business that allows you to do the work you love all while making a living. At our 2018 intimate retreat in Waco, TX, 15 incredible women from all over the world tapped into what it could look like to build a business from a clear place of purpose. Will you join us in 2019? #waco #illumeretreat #purpose

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Over the four years I’ve hosted the Illume Retreat, I’ve been challenged in the best ways possible to explore how to give my attendees an engaged, intentional experience. I want to allow each boss lady to interact with one another and the retreat curriculum all with an open heart. But I’ve learned over the years that […]

Retreat host, I’ve been challenged in the best ways possible to explore how to give my attendees an engaged, intentional experience. I’ve learned over the years that in order to create a space of truth and clarity, it comes down to every little guest detail. Or in other words, the client experience. These same details can help you with your service-business client experience too! Check out 5 ways to elevate your brand through your client experience. #creative #entrepreneur #brandstrategy #clientexperience

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My name is Bonnie – I’m a brand designer, strategist, and writer which all adds up to one eclectic conglomeration of qualities that enables me to serve you well! Past clients have dubbed me "the Joanna Gaines of brand design," and I've had more than a few call me a dream maker, a game changer, and a design wizard (my Harry Potter-loving heart didn't hate that one, let me tell you!). At the end of the day, I'm a big-hearted creative who will get teary-eyed as you share the heart behind your business; who will lose sleep over the perfect font pairings and color selections to bring your brand to life visually; and who will work tirelessly to empower, encourage, and equip you to share your work with the world intentionally. 

hi friend!

meet bonnie